Compared to software, hardware development is more expensive, has lower margins, and a ton of risk. That won't get in our way. While we develop our hardware, we are going to build a software ecosystem in parallel. Both support our long term vision.
What's not in our ecosystem?
Too many of these value creation tools fall short of real value. Instead, social media likes and views may make you money, but at a significant expense to our society. Or, in terms of gig apps, they may nickel and dime you until you are dependent on the app to survive. We are neither.
Our Alternative
We provide the tools so you, as an individual or small business can apply software principles such as quick iteration and low upfront investments to create value. Our social features integrate seamlessly with the real world, including print labs, our delivery network, and much more. Do you want to start a tool rental? Our drones can deliver them once a customer requests it on our social network. Want to start a laundry service, but don't have the man power or money to start a laundromat, hire employees, and more? Our couriers can help. This will integrate well with AI, soon robots or a robotaxi may be a click or API call away.
It's A New Day
Current social media has resulted in harms to our society, especially children. While it is true that parent's need to parent and people need self control, the systems were designed to exploit human weaknesses and addict us. The ad based model drives the incentive for the social networks to addict us. We are unproductive, lacking sleep, and not learning. Take a breath, it's a new Horizon. We are driving a completely new paradigm and incentive structure.
We need alternatives to the walled gardens of these "free" sites. In today's era, paying for a subscription is normal. No ads, no addiction. We also plan to develop a system to make your posts portable across platforms. We will have simple content moderation: the public proposes and votes on banned keywords. Users can pay or tip you, not ad revenue from controlling organizations. Why not order the post on a printed good? Enter our logistics platform.
Why is delivery limited to rides and food? Why not transport anything the user needs locally? Need to lend a tool? We got you. Are you a small business that needs to get an order delivered locally? Just a click away. Our platform will link you to courier transport, drone, shipping services, and whatever comes next- from us or one of the other great innovators.
These two technologies we are working on are what will help us with our mission.
If a potential product may meet a need and can generate revenue, we will most likely build it. Some apps and products will fail, some will succeed. Even if it only helps a few people, we will throw it at the wall and see if it sticks. We are pro AI, as it drives productivity. Our apps will be designed to scale to relevant platforms, but wary of the passing fads. Our services may not be perfect from the beginning, but with signs of success more resources will be dedicated. We will start with 3rd party services, but prefer to build all functionality in house down the road. This helps us differentiate, improve costs, and guarantee reliability. Our products are all tools, which are neutral. We will not collect more data than necessary on our users. We will target and build for all age groups, UI and UX are the keys. All apps will be easy to use, familiar, and well designed for everyone. Technical debt is to be avoided at all costs, and it's ok to throw systems away and start over. We also understand that times are always changing, and all of our operating principles will change and evolve. Where it makes sense, everything we do should be scalable, starting with our name. 1x1 can fit any industry we enter or product we build.
Jacob Miller (Founder, CEO, and everything else)
Currently, Jacob leads the entire operation. His background includes app/web development, photography, and more. In the Fall, he will also be attending RIT for software engineering. Seeing the issues with people around him and how they relate to Social Media, he realized that it’s time for change. He sees inefficiencies and the not so obvious technological solutions.
Want to invest? Please reach out!
We are currently raising funds utilizing SAFEs. If you are unfamiliar with SAFEs, this is a good read: If you have any suggestion or requests to invest with another method, please bring it to our attention.
If you would like to integrate with Horizon, help us advertise, host us, provide drone testing grounds, or anything else, please feel free to reach out.
We have a pretty standard startup structure. We are a Delaware C Corp known as "1x1 Corp." In NY, we do business under the name of "1X1 DEVELOPMENT". We don't currently have any physical offices or locations of any kind.
We are just getting started. We hope you follow and support us.